
1950 gibson es 125 tc florentine value
1950 gibson es 125 tc florentine value

1950 gibson es 125 tc florentine value

MFG CO 248 ELIZABETH ST near Central Railway Pilone MA347J See us for Air Comprcssois from 2 to 60 ci-blc feet per minute Made to you

1950 gibson es 125 tc florentine value

1950 gibson es 125 tc florentine value full#

TJADIAL ARM SAW BENCHES 3bln XV Dla Saw Radial and flat feed rollĮrs ball bearing throughout J speed gearbox NATIONAL ENGINEERS PIY LID corner White and Brennan Sts Leichhardt LM448JĪl ER OR ANY LIQUID COOLING AIR AFTER COOLING Budge Evapoiotlvc Equipment comprises a full range of compact forced draught sheet steel units for Industrial service For cooling engine or compressor water or any i rocess wnter JAMES BUDGE PTY LTD 45 McEvoy St Alexandria LA50J4 COMPRESSOR and AIR EQUIPMENT Wo can offer new 4 cylinder En glnes complete on stand with radia to cooling suitable for up to -0 h p at J000 r p ni £ 1J6 each c I A E ENGINE PTY LTD 6 School Street Balmain WB1441 Mony types now available for Imme dlote delivery Contact us regarding our well known machines and avoid dis appointmentīURRING and WIRING MACHINES tue now available-EX STOCKĮleven different models, from 60 gallon to 300 gallon Vat MachinesĪH powered with Ronaldson Tippett Engines and Pressure Pumps ocilatmed tor the past 40 years Guillotining to 8ft x 10 gauge L M WATSON PTY LTD , "Detail nnd Repetition Work in all Metals (Vust ) 172 Crown Street city FA4853 THE SPECIALISTS With or without engines from stock FSM CO 172 Crown St PA485J Motorlsed all types new shipment from stock FSM CO 172 Crown St FA4853 THE SPECIALISTS T71LEX1BLE SHAFT Repairs Replace JL ments any make of machine 24 hours service F S M CO 172 Crown Street FA4853 THE SPECIVLISTS HEAVY DUTY CONSTRUCTION AND HOAD MACHINERY OF EVERY TYPE ARMSTRONG HOLLAND and REDLEK Elevating and ConveMng MACHINERYĮxcavators with full attachments eto ARMSTRONG HOLLAND PTY LTD ,_117 York Street Sydney_ ARMSTRONG HOLLAND AND CHAM Learn without obligation how Ludowici Short centre Pivot Drive will help sou In your power transmission problems Our Engineers are at vour service NOTE Separate offers should be made ior Individual surplus Machine ToolsĪ Great Advance In Power Trans mission In every one of the thousands of Ludowici s Short centre Pivot Drives installed throughout Australia there has been a marked Improvement in plant power transmission The Ludowici Pivot Drive Is compact saves space entirely eliminates belt slip gives the correct ^ degree of tension and consequently

1950 gibson es 125 tc florentine value

Quotations In sealed envelope endorsed ' Quotation No T84/50 should be ad dressed to The Director State Dockyard P O Box 431 D Newcastle Inspection m ly be arranged by con tactlng the Plint Superintendent Phone Steel mast wooden back legs SURPLUS M S BARb Landls Screwing Machine 6in pipes Grnnowskl Screwing Machineġ Le Blond Milling Machine INCOMPLFTE MACHINES Quotations closing at noon on the 20th June 1850 are invited for the purchase

1950 gibson es 125 tc florentine value