If you have Gerbera devil breaker equipped, use it in this boss fight. If the boss tries to fly away, chase it and continue landing midair attacks. You can latch onto the boss and attack it with your midair attacks. Be careful as they will explode when they get close to you. If new drones are spawned, the old drones turn into mines and they home in on you. However, the boss can also spawn new drones. You can destroy the drones easily with your revolver and using charged shots. Artemis can fly around and comes with two drones that can also attack you. You will encounter Artemis boss in the third chapter. Keep trickling down its health and it will go down eventually. Watch out when it jumps up or raises its arms to slam the ground. If you want to get it close and use melee against it, you must stick to its back and use some fancy footwork to evade its close ranged attacks.

This will take some time but it is the safest and easiest way to kill it. Stick to distance and use charged shots from your revolver to damage it. It will use its huge arms and hands to slam around itself, it will also jump in the air and throw itself to the ground damaging you and its belly can open up and spit fire and suck you in as well. Goliath will use a variety of attacks while fighting you. Locking on to the boss works miracles in this boss battles. The only thing you need to worry about while fighting Goliath is that the battle can be long and tedious and you have to patient while fighting it. It can take a lot of punishment and it can deal a lot of punishment as well. Goliath comes early in the game but it is one of the hardest bosses in the game. Keep at it and this easy boss will go down easily. Get in quickly, deal some damage and get back quickly. If you want to get close and attack with your melee weapons, wait until the tentacles stop attacking however you will get a very small window to do so. Stick to your revolvers and try to kill it from a distance. When the boss battle starts, the boss will start attacking with its tentacles however it can also spawn enemies in the area so keep an eye out for the as well. You will encounter the Qliphoth Roots Boss at the end of the first mission. Keep at the crystal, avoid the boss attacks and you should defeat Urizen without much trouble. If you manage to actually beat the boss without dying, you will get a secret ending however if you fail to do so and your health trickles down to zero, you will die and the boss battle will fail allowing you to witness a different cutscene. There are two ways to end this boss battle. Get up close quickly and start hitting him with everything that you’ve got. When the crystal is destroyed, Urizen will get back to repairing the crystal giving you only a short window to damage himself. Keep shooting the crystal and it will eventually break allowing you to actually deal damage to the boss. To avoid the beams, keep moving around the ground and while doing so make sure that you do not touch the blue spheres as they will slow you down immensely and you will end up getting hit by the beams coming out of the ground. He also attacks with powerful energy beams coming out of the ground.

Urizen will throw blue spheres at you which will slow you down while the red balls will deal damage to you. You must use the charged shot to deal increased damage with each shot. Stick to ranged combat and use your revolver to destroy the red crystal. To actually damage this boss, you need to first destroy the red crystal guarding the boss. You will face Urizen in the prologue of the game. All bosses detailed below are in the order of their appearance in the game and you will face them in the exact same order in which they are listed below. Our Devil May Cry 5 Boss Battles Guide details everything that you need to know about defeating all bosses in Devil May Cry 5. Taking down bosses is no easy feat in Devil May Cry 5 but with this guide, you will be mowing them down in no time. Apart from a few bosses, most of the bosses are very difficult. We have listed all the bosses that you will encounter in Devil May Cry 5 below and along with that we will also share some tips and tricks with you on how you can defeat these bosses. Devil May Cry 5 has 20 boss battles and each one requires a different strategy to kill. Devil May Cry franchise is famous for its punishing and difficult boss battles and the newest title in the franchise does not disappoint when it comes to boss battles. In this Devil May Cry 5 Boss Battles Guide, we will guide you on how you can defeat all bosses in Devil May Cry 5.